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Wave Hand Drawn Dashed Line
Hand Drawn Dashed Line
Brush Stroke

Summers Here? - 26th JUNE

Grounds Newsletter

Quick Update From The Sheds

The team are seeing huge improvements in the surface of the course after a few days ​with no rain. With a dry course, the team can finally (very much delayed for the year) ​start to really get the course to look its best.

The coring, airing, sanding and more, over the past few months have allowed the quality ​of the green material to improve, members should start to see a significant difference.

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Looking after the Greens....Cutting , Rolling and Aprons

As we all understand, a course is predominantly valued on the quality of it’s greens.

The team at RGC are well aware of this.

SPEED of greens are sometime seen as the pinnacle of quality.

Many golfers do not realise the ROLL of the ball on the surface is actually much more ​important.

Over the past week or more the team have been using the following tools to try and ​improve the surface and the “TRUE ROLL” of the greens.

This is an ever evolving process.

  • Viber Rolling
  • Verti Cutting
  • Reduced the cutter levels
  • Timed Sprinklers each morning (Tee’s and Greens)
  • Feed sprayed on the greens to encourage growth
  • Green apron cut (Hand Mower) to create a 3 cut gradient from green to fairway.
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Summer Help To The Rescue

With summer comes summer help.

Members may not know but during the summer break we have some extra hands each ​year that come and support the team.

These team members can vary year to year but are key to keep on top of the fast growing ​grass and ever increasing taskload.

See below Max,

Max is a huge help as he does not need additional training as this will be his 3rd summer ​helping the team. He’s already getting on with the tidying up the course.

We would love to keep Max on full time, however his education and plans to go into ​corporate law take priority.

GOOD NEWS ... His younger brother may be taking his place as of next summer.


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As you will see from the videos we also have two new ​apprentice's supporting the team, while they are learning on the ​job they are both allowing more work to be completed besides ​the standard day to day upkeep of fairways and greens.

We will introduce you to them and members of the team in ​future communications.

The weather is set to be good for the rest of the week so we ​hope you all enjoy your golf.

As always the RGC Grounds team appreciate the support of ​its members and volunteers.

The team will continue to do all we can to improve the course.